What is Lung Packing – Freediving Technique

What is Lung Packing?

Lung packing is a freediving technique that allows the freediver to stay underwater for extended periods of time. The lung pack is a rubber or silicone bag that is filled with air and attached to the freediver’s lungs. The air in the bag helps to keep the lungs pressurized, which prevents them from collapsing during a deep dive.

The lung pack also provides a reserve of air that can be used in an emergency situation. If a freediver runs out of breath while diving, he or she can use the air in the lung pack to surface safely.

Lung packing is not without its risks, however. If the lung pack is not used correctly, it can cause serious injury or even death. Freedivers who use lung packs should be trained in their use and should always have a responsible person supervising their dives.

How to do Lung Packing

Lung Packing is an apnea technique used to increase the freediver’s lungs’ capacity by filling them with more air than they would normally hold. This is done by taking a deep breath and then exhaling fully before taking another deep breath and exhaling again.

Fill a balloon with air

In order to do lung packing, you need to fill a balloon with air. You can use a regular balloon or a Freediving balloon. The Freediving balloon is designed to hold more air and will last longer underwater.

Once the balloon is inflated, place it under your chin and press down on it with your neck muscles. This will block the air from escaping and force the air into your lungs. Take a deep breath in and then let the air out slowly through your nose. Repeat this process until your lungs are full.

Put the balloon in your mouth and close your lips around it

To lung pack, you will need:

  • A balloon
  • Scissors


  1. Cut the neck off the balloon.
  2. Put the balloon in your mouth and close your lips around it.
  3. Breathe in slowly through your nose until the balloon is full. The balloon should be about the size of a tennis ball when it is full.
  4. Remove the balloon from your mouth and tie a knot in it.
  5. Repeat this process until you have three or four balloons that are all tied shut.

Take a deep breath in through your nose and expand your lungs

Start by taking a deep breath in through your nose and expanding your lungs to their full capacity. Once your lungs are full, close your mouth and hold your breath. Now, using both hands, press firmly on your lower ribs and push all the air out of your lungs until they are completely empty. When you have exhaled all the air from your lungs, close off your nostrils and keep them closed with your fingers.

Exhale all the air out of your lungs through your mouth

Exhale all the air out of your lungs through your mouth, until you reach the point where you feel like you absolutely must take a breath in. Now, close your mouth and take a deep breath in through your nose. Fill your lungs up as much as possible without hyperventilating, then close off your nose and hold your breath.

Repeat this process 3-5 times

  1. Open your mouth and take a deep breath in through your lungs.
  2. Blow all of the air out of your lungs until they are completely empty.
  3. Take another deep breath in through your lungs and hold it for 10 seconds.
  4. exhale slowly through your nose for 5 seconds.
  5. Repeat this process 3-5 times.

Why do Lung Packing?

Lung Packing is the compression of the lungs prior to a freedive which greatly reduces the amount of air required to descend to depth and therefore greatly improves the amount of time you can spend underwater.
To increase your freediving breath hold time

Most freedivers pack their lungs to increase their lung capacity and thereby their freediving breath hold time.

Packing is achieved by taking a deep breath and then exhaling fully before taking another deep breath and exhaling again. This is repeated until you feel that your lungs are full and cannot take in any more air.

It is important not to overfill your lungs as this can lead to pulmonary edema – a condition where the alveoli in the lungs fill with fluid. If this happens, it is vital to seek medical help immediately as it can be fatal.

There are two main types of packing – budget andovernight. Budget packing involves taking shallower breaths to avoid overfilling your lungs, while overnight packing means filling your lungs to capacity. It is generally agreed that budget packing is the safer option, but some freedivers prefer overnight packing as it gives them a greater sense of lung capacity.

To improve your freediving technique

Freediving is all about controlling your breath and equalizing the pressure in your lungs. When you freedive, you are constantly fighting the urge to breathe. This can put a lot of strain on your lungs and cause you to tire quickly.

Lung packing is a technique that freedivers use to increase their lung capacity and help them stay underwater for longer periods of time. The idea is to exhale completely and then take a deep breath in, filling your lungs as much as possible. You then expel this air quickly and repeat the process several times.

Lung packing can be uncomfortable and even painful, but it is an effective way to increase your lung capacity. It is not recommended for beginners, however, as it can be dangerous if not done correctly.

Tips for Successful Lung Packing

Lung packing is a freediving technique that is used to increase the amount of time that a freediver can hold their breath underwater. The goal of lung packing is to fill the lungs with as much air as possible so that the freediver can stay underwater for a longer period of time. There are a few tips that can help you successfully pack your lungs.

Make sure the balloon is properly inflated

Inflate the balloon until it is about 80% full, then twist the end to close it off. If you have a small balloon, you may need to inflate it more to get enough air. Once the balloon is inflated, hold it against your chest with one hand so that the opening of the balloon is facing up. Use your other hand to grab the nose clip and put it on.

Use a quality balloon

If you are going to invest the time to pack your lungs, it is important to use a quality balloon. The last thing you want is for your balloon to break or leak during the process. There are many different brands of lung packing balloons on the market, so do some research and find one that is right for you.

Once you have a quality balloon, make sure you follow the instructions carefully. You don’t want to overinflate or underinflate the balloon. If the balloon is too big, it will be difficult to get all the air out when you need to. If it is too small, it will be difficult to get enough air in.

Don’t overdo it

Lung packing is a freediving technique used to increase the amount of air you can hold in your lungs. This is done by filling your lungs to capacity with air, then exhaling and taking in another breath, followed by another exhale. This is repeated until your lungs are packed with air.

Lung packing can be a useful tool for freedivers who want to increase their bottom time, but it’s important not to overdo it. Packing too much air into your lungs can lead to respiratory distress and possibly blackouts. It’s also important to keep in mind that you will need to take a few minutes to decompress after lung packing, so don’t pack right before you plan on diving.

If you’re interested in learning more about freediving techniques, check out our other articles on the subject.

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